Thursday 20 May 2010

Beauty is in the (London) eye of the beer holder...

So just a quick moan about my Monday before we get onto Tuesday's festivities....If you are planning a trip to London any time in the near or far future, bring an SA - UK adaptor. When I initially realised my laptop plug didn't fit into the silly little rectangular holes they use here (no matter which way I tried),I thought "No Claire, don't you worry now child, there will surely be ONE SA to UK adaptor in the whole of London,". WRONG! Not one; I walked up and down the streets of The South African Village(otherwise known as Wimbledon) for a solid 5 hours interrogating every store owner about their knowledge of South African plugs and found nothing. They have every other adaptor except South African! Cut a long moan short, I had to skillfully cut the plug off my lappie and get my handy man on and put a new silly rectangular looking one one....doesn't look nearly as classy, but life must go on.

Moving onto Tuesday's festival of wines. 1 x early, chilled lunch in Wimbledon Village with a good school friend of mine (Nicola Stanley), turned into 3 x bottles of wine and a turkey burger. This sparked off an interesting domino effect, as one bottle of wine hit the another followed, and another...and so on until they all fell down. No it was no so quick and painless unfortunately. Rather than what one sensible individual may have done- go home, wash one's face, brush one's teeth and tuck oneself into one's bed- I moved on from lunch/afternoon drinks to Waterloo station to meet some R&Y's-Claire and Dina.....enter the end of me.

Drinks at All Bar One beneath the London Eye started out with lots of catching up, and swapping job advice...a few recruiters details(well I did all the taking, no no swapping from my side), and gradually turned into something quite spectacular. In fact what we all got out of the evening was 1 x Business plan (wheels in motion-watch this space....and your backs), 500km's to walk home(felt like it anyway....zigzags are inefficient when walking home), 3 x harrowing changes on the transport system in rush hour the following morning and 2 x members experiencing low blood sugar resulting in fainting on the morning rush hour transport system. Super.Best night ever. Lets do it again.Or not.

Cut to Thursday (I have erased the memories of yesterday's porridge brain).
Began the ever daunting Job hunt, which ended in success, 1 interview with a recruiting agent tomorrow.Tick. Hopefully a few more to follow, keep your fingers and noses crossed. I've got a good feeling about this folks, somethings on the horizon and I'm about to grab hold of those reigns and kick it into motion...keep following the ride.
(If all else fails, Ive still got the option of that boerie proudly South African food stall in Camden-Huge window of opportunity there).

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