Monday 17 May 2010

Tie-dye's whack...Doc Martin's are back!

For those of you who thought you were in the know about what's hot and what should be ought to take a trip down to Camden Town, anything that didn't go before goes now...Trinny and Susanna(What not to wear) would both have had minor aneurysms. What an incredible experience though, if every bus/train service had gone on strike for the day I would have been more than happy to have been stuck there. It's the most incredible place to people watch; I wouldn't call what I did judging, I'd define it as observing!

Amongst the crazy hus and bus on the streets are rows and rows of stores....some pretty amazing, and the other 300-all side by side, have identical clothing-IDENTICAL!At one point you'd swear that it was an entire road taken up by one store with multiple entries-not just any store at that; The Matrix store. If you believed that the matrix was real, you might swear that every shop owner bought their merchandise from straight out of the world of zero's and one's. If leather jacket season excited you this'd be in your element-ankle length leather jackets, dress-style leather jackets, shiny cat-suit style leather jackets....I'd assume that the sole purpose for these items in the stores are for hire for matrix or Grandma's boy dress-up parties.

After every long row of shops, and just when you think you've seen it all (you saw it all in the first store) you turn a corner to see a market twice the size of the one you've just walked through, and there are another 2 just like it down the road. It's not the stores though that make this place deliciously nutritious for the eye-ball, its the people...I felt like I should have dressed up for the occasion. Not your typical Sunday best......some closer to their birthday suits than anything else. But enough about the people....all I'm saying is that Heat mag know's nothing about the look of the week. Here's a little something something for the heat though-the items I fell in love with and chose to buy instead of meals for the next week....
My beautious rosy skirt and tapestry curtain dress...

Moving along...the main street lacks in flavoursome food, but a little hunt for lunch lead us down an alley way filled with little kiosks/stalls all tightly packed together like cattle in a truck, or like kulula first class...well I've never. There was Indian followed by Thai, Mexican, Persian, Malaysian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, american....italian...and and and. It's like hangover munchies central. Where do you even start? One stall that was lacking was a proudly South African Boerie bar, so I'm keeping that in mind in case the job hunt starts off slow-look, lets not judge, here's a window of opportunity and I'm seriously considering taking it! If someone could kindly please point me toward a good boerie recipe, I'd cut you in on the profits. I called a friend, asked the audience and finally settled on a Thai mix and a Mexican Fajita....dam Africa you missed out.

I am enlightened after my little trip up north, and all the more wiser for it...I have now started wearing purple leggings under red shorts with doc Martins and a wonderbra as my shirt under my pleather jacket..unashamedly (as all things should be done).

1 comment:

  1. Please take a pic of you in the doc martins, purple leggings etc etc - you my dear are one stylish sista!!!
    LOVE YOU MILLIONS and am so happy to read your blog
