Thursday 27 May 2010

I'm gonna ge' me an accen'


Before I suck you into my little London bubble, I must apologise for the delay in updates...Unfortunately due to the fact a) I am currently unemployed and therefor have to spend my free time(that is the time when I am not actively seeking employment) picking up litter, as one kind street sweeper was kind enough to delegate his work load to help out a sister; and b) I am trying to make friends, which involves hours of online companion seeking and tube surfing(Not the hectic kind, just the kind where I sit on trains all day going back and forth looking for likely friends), I have had limited time. It is because of the above mentioned circumstances that I have been unable to blog every hour. Apology accepted? Super, moving swiftly along.

Where to start.....
Ah, last Friday I hit it lucky when an interview with a recruitment agency for a job that I did not see myself as being the ideal candidate for turned into a new job interview for a different position at an awesome company yesterday. That said....I cannot discuss the logistics of yesterday's interview in case my future employees find amusement in checking out candidates' blogs (Hi There, great interview...look forward to hearing from you). I have not yet heard the outcome of yesterday's interview yet and am still holding thumbs. What I can say though, is that it was for a global company with a superior reputation in out of Home media with incredible career growth opportunities and an awesome chance to learn the In's and outs of media while being closely involved with some pretty major brands- this is one I really would love to get. I am still, however on the job hunt as one can never be too sure and street sweeping, although pays bills, doesn't look good on one's CV unless under the community service section.

Job hunt aside, lets move onto the next bottle of wine...
Saturday a good friend of mine from Dirtbin touched down London Town and was looking for a little welcoming procession, I willingly obliged..Had some pre-drinks at her brother's place in Maide Vale and then headed down/up/east/west someway to Paradise Bar in a sweet line of black cabs....yes that's how I roll now because quote, unquote "Life's too short to take the night bus". Michael Simpson. Crazy awesome night....almost hit a hiccup when a little gremlin of a boy called me a giant, look I was wearing High heels, but hows about he did us all a favour and left his short man syndrome at home,yeah?I could've made him cry-I'm sure of it, but I blew him a kiss instead, thought it was a step in the right direction, maybe he just needed some love after all. Met some crazy cool people, shared a little wiggle, step-ball-change, wiggle with them (little dance move I've mastered) and then was escorted home again, I believe, in another Black Cab (Back home, these'd pass as Rolls Royce's).

Sunday was an epic day, I say this not as a hyperbole, but rather because I believe it to be true. Blue Skies, not a cloud to be seen and about 30 degrees in the shade (it is entirely possible that this fact has been slightly exaggerated for dramatic effect)....Michael Las Tour Guide, took Karene out for a leisurely breakfast...little eggs Benedict and a latte there, followed by a walk round Regent's park to check out The London Business School(Checking out the grounds I'll be strolling upon when I enrol for my MBA), had a squiz at a very average looking home worth a sloppy 100 million...POUNDS! The gentle(rich) man who owns it also owns ArcelorMittal (Steel) fact for the day-go tell people! We then meandered down/up/left/right (still working on getting a lay of the land) to Edinboro Castle pub for a "li'l jug o Pimms wif strawbewwies init'"...Delish Nutrish, nothing like fruity Pimms on a warm Sunday afternoon. I could've sat there all day watching people...WOW is all I can say-I mean did you really walk out of the house wearing that knowing you were going into public?'Av you looked in the mirror?..Again, not judging, merely observing!...But alas, I didn't stay there, I moved on to more interesting people watching terrain, where you have to be very quiet, and move very slowly as any loud or fast movements could awaken the animals......of CAMDEN TOWN.
The three of us pub hopped the rest of the afternoon....what a day. Oh wait, my day wouldn't have been complete without my Cyberdog experience...this store in Camden Town is 3 stories of neon lights and rave. I have never seen clothes like this in my entire existence, I thought rave was a type of music not an underwear collection/adult shop/Clothing designed by martians-it takes the matrix stores to a whole nother(is that a word?) level...check out the stuff pretty crazy that people actually buy it, AND THEN WEAR IT.

After my weekend of Mayhem I was pretty bushed, but that didn't put an end to my missioning....PART 2 coming soon (in a few minutes-I just need to rest my typing hand).

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