Friday 4 June 2010

Part i: I'm a party starter

Its been a week now since my last update, slack to say the least, but one must take into the account that I am now a Nomad, an unemployed nomad...and internet connections don't come easily to such individuals.

Let me take you back to last Friday....and walk you through my soul-destroying near death experience(I nearly died of coldness and desperation).

Friday May 28 (Yes, now that I am a Londoner I write dates that way)
Happy Birthday Lisa!

Karene and I....who are currently co-habitating (definition: living under the same roof) decide that Friday evening would be a great evening to have a glass of wine in front of the tele and watch a classic Rom-Com or just a com-com. One beverage down and my foot starts tapping to the beat of the background music thats playing, and before I can stop it, my leg joins in. Through no fault of my own I felt complelled to have a little razzle. The idea of walking around Camden at night was hugely appealing, considering what the day life is like there, I can only imagine what crawls out at night. So off we go for wardrobe change numero uno-from sweat pants to boyf jeans...ready for Camden. Karene recieves a msg from a friend of hers telling her that she absolutely MUST come to Clapham South for a party. Wardbrobe change numero....two?..little skirts and boots. Done, off to Clapham we head, tube bar in Evian bottles: check. Mr vain & No Limits on the headphones: check ( I say headphones because it is a touchy subject for me to have to disclose the fact that my music maker is an MP3 player that I got for free as opposed to the Classic i-pod), House keys: pffff who needs to check that?

So we razz and dazz all night long, even get whisked off in a cab to an after party somewhere- Look I know people who know people, and I could probably get you into one of these places too. We razz dazz a little more there... I met a few South Africans, ah in fact for those of you who know him, I bumped into Marc Spitzer on the side of the road-world gets smaller everyday, and they say that climate change is the problem.pfff. Back to the story, I met an Italian-looked and sounded Italian, and everyone else I met was unenglish, there is no other way to describe it, because I have no idea where they originated from, I just heard un-english being spoken. 4am-ish arrives and members of our possi are getting asked to leave the club, they do that here....if you stumble they usher you out like a herdsman. No bouncers here, just shepherds, looking after their sheep. If you have no concept of where in London I am at this point, dont worry, neither did I....but to help you orientate yourself go to google magic my friends- and type in Indigo Bar, Clapham South or maybe it was in Wandsworth.

Basically we were down South I think, and had to catch a cab up North to Maida Vale-not a cheap cab, but it had to be done. By the time we arrived at the front door I have never been so ready to love a bed in all my life. I just wanted my PJ's and comfy bed....and munchies.
Arrive.Front door. Get Keys. What, did you say keys? I dont have the keys, you do!No, I don't have any keys. Operation empty pockets, bags, check shoes. Thats a negative on the Keys Kilo Alpha Romeo Echo November Echo.Bummer. So no keys, then?No comfy bed and Pj's?No munchies?

Enter near death experience....I was freezing and dying for bed, sitting on the step outside the house while the sun was rising, really believing that if we emptied the same bag 40 more times, the keys might fall out.Lost cause, plan B came into action. There was no plan B though, so we meandered down the road and caught another cab, all the way back down to Collierswood, now I dont know where that is, but it is extremely far away-40 quid far away.Stayed at some persons house, awoke to pouring rain, and negative one hundred degrees(keep in mind I am wearing a skirt), now had to begin the mission back home to sit on the steps I presume, and empty out the bag again incase we were blinded the previous night.

Long story short, it was the longest most harrowning tube ride home, and a painful walk of shame as I was wearing last nights outfit, with last nights make up which was completely inappropriate for that day's weather. We spent the afternoon at a friends house who lives nearby...again still in inappropriate attire, and still hungry from the night before. These kind soles filled our belly's and gave us a couch to rest our aching heads, bless them. Then operation get someone to climb up to the third floor of the building and squeeze through the window to let us in commenced, and alas it was a success. Ben is a hero, following this rescue, he was photographed for the paper the next day (not actually, but that would've been cool). We were in the house but now couldnt leave as we had no keys to get back in, which at this stage didn't matter, I was just so happy to be able to shower, get into PJ's and sleep.

Again, my fingers are take a break while I get going with Saturday Night's American Frat party in the most aweome warehouse apartment I've ever seen, and where I learnt to play flip cup and drank beer. I DRANK BEER!
(Sorry okes, my spell check isn't working, overlook any errors and don't judge).

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