Wednesday 9 June 2010

Let's get down to business...

Its all good and well me sharing the oddities of London with you, but I feel I have neglected to fill you in on what's really going on....What's really going on is that I am engaged to be married to a sheik from Dubai....he paid me a lot of money and has promised to buy me jewels to fill a cellar and a blackberry. I did it for the blackberry really, I might also ask him to throw in a canon EOS 550 camera. So That's about it, I never have to work again so my job search in London is over. Why look for a job when you can get a sheik to buy you stuff?

Now that I've just broken my parent's heart, I have to apologise.....I fibbed, told an untruth. I am not in fact engaged to be married, but the truth in that lie is that my job search is over.
Yes folks, I just nuzzled my way into a really great company in London. They are Number 1 worldwide in airport advertising and number 2 worldwide for Out Of Home media, I am the national sales coordinator.....boom. I start on Monday, and can hardly wait to charm my way to the top-watch this space peopolas, "Feel it, it is here!" (My job is here I mean), as for the World cup-well, that's not here.

I keep seeing all these pictures on your guys' face pages of cars decked out in SA gear, and I have to admit that initially I thought nothing of it, but I am feeling reasonably left out of the madness. Looks like people back home are maxing it out though, doing us proud......except for one thing. I was sitting on the tube the other day (no that's not a round shaped bench-its a train) and got give the Metro, which is a free newspaper. What's on page 2? Headline, "SA government not concerned over World cup safety", the picture under the headline shows a huge stampede involving spectators and police, where apparently a riot broke out before (BEFORE) a friendly match in Soweto last week. Really? a week before the world cup, and Jolly Africans are still digging the riot/stampede/lets all act like we're from the jungle vibe?And the worst part was that I thought people would skip over it because it was on page 2....not so much, I looked around and everyone in my carriage was reading page 2!Then a guy opposite me makes a comment to which I reply, and he looks up in surprise and asks if I'm South African....No I'm Australian. No I'd never say that, but it did cross my mind.

New amendment to my working situation(this story does have something to do with the above one I promise), I no longer only have one job, but 2. I started working at a pub this morning, which Ill work at nights and weekends to catch up on some much needed cash. So, I'm behind the bar and this Pom introduces himself to me, hears that I'm South African and starts questioning me about the world cup. So, I'm trying to wipe away his fears with soothing words by telling stories of lions that roam the street and tame monkeys as pets, and he just has one thing to say to me. He reckons everyone going to South Africa from all over the world aren't going there for the, he reckons that they're coming to get some action from all the African Prostitutes that have been shipped in. He did the hand gestures and everything....he has a good heart though, he hopes from the bottom of his heart that they don't get robbed while they're doing the dirty in an alley way.Kiff.

I can't but help smile when I'm walking around the streets here....even on the most miserable of days. It started out, that everyday when I walked around I would put my music player(that is not an ipod) in my ears and choose a soundtrack for the day. Try it, best thing ever...basically thought I was in a movie, even walked with a catwalk sway in case I was. But since the death of my MP3 battery and the fact that I didn't bring the charger other things have been keeping me amused. For instance I'm walking down the road today, and my black jeans are full of flour (I had to make pancakes at the pub this morning cos the chef didn't know how to make them.Enter Claire. Saved the day), and I walk past this van full of, I don't know, paramedics or something and I avert my eyes to avoid awkward comments but one pipes up "you o'wight there luf?", and the other joins in with "oh my word, you are beau'iful, stunneen....I've ne'er seen anyfing laaik i'"....the cherry on the top of my smile was the last one who got down on one knee and asked for my hand. This is officially the 4th time I have been proposed to on the streets of London- so maybe my first story isn't so far off. How can you not smile?

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